HEA helps Kem Krest be among first in the U.S. to offer logistics certification

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Kem Krest employees (from left) Jon Ham, Kelley Cline, Jim Natterstad, Nicole Jamiel, Ashley Phillips, and Luis Perez display their Certified Logistics Technician certificates.
One of the keys to successful innovation is creativity. Shortly after Kem Krest partnered with HEA to become among the first businesses in the nation to offer the Certified Logistics Technician program to its employees in 2019, company leaders had to quickly adjust for the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to that creativity, in the fall of 2021, Kem Krest celebrated its second cohort of six CLT graduates. Kelley Cline, Jon Ham, Nicole Jamiel, Jim Natterstad, Luis Perez and Ashley Phillips joined a very small group of logistics professionals around the United States with this advanced certification.
The program, which consists of 13 weeks of classroom time and more than 2,000 hours of on-the-job training, required creativity to complete during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kem Krest continues to grow its CLT program, having started a third cohort of future graduates shortly after the second cohort finished.
HEA worked with Kem Krest to implement the program in 2019, and continues to offer operational support through its Adult Pathways program. To ensure the highest quality training for its employees, Kem Krest has mentors in place to support those who are in the company’s CLT program.
“We’re always in a constant state of learning. Keep that learning process going; keep mentoring!” said Brian Oakes, who is Kem Krest’s facilities maintenance manager and one of those CLT mentors.
The CLT graduates, who work in quality, supply chain, aftersales, and operations at Kem Krest, receive a pay increase to reflect their new skills and certification. The leadership at Kem Krest, starting with CEO and former HEA board member Amish Shah, sees the CLT program as a worthwhile investment in the people who keep the business going.
“We want to provide exceptional training and development for our associates, and this program is one piece of the continued journey of leadership at Kem Krest,” Shah said.
HEA Adult Pathways offers educational programming and vocational opportunities. We help prepare students to take the HSE (High School Equivalency) exam and earn their diplomas. We also offer English classes (in Goshen and Elkhart) for non-English speaking students as well as literacy classes. In addition, we also offer classes for not only the CLT certification but the CPT (Certified Production Technician) certification as well, with new trainings starting later in 2022. Please feel free to contact our office at 574-970-5820 for more information on adult educational programming or to start your journey!